Katina’s quintessential Malibu experience centers on the beaches that are integral to her ocean-centric life ~they infuse invigorating energy for anyone who ventures here. Take a dip in the Pacific and you’re regenerated and
ready to take in all that Malibu has to offer!

Getting Started
If you’re driving into Malibu from LAX or all points south, stop by Colony House Liquors, a landmark retail venue that celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. There, you will find Katina’s beautiful Malibu Pier Collection items, including stylish and sturdy flip flops depicting the rhythmic ebbs and flows of the tides as waves splash under the pier, beach totes, journals and dog scarves sporting
Katina’s many original, color-infused designs, and art mugs celebrating the iconic Malibu Pier and Katina’s enthusiastic perspective on life.
Colony House Liquors, located at 22523 Pacific Coast Hwy. (T: 310-456-3327), is also the perfect place to pick up snacks & beverages of all types - from libations for the adults, to juices & soft drinks for the kids. Check out the
store’s wine club before you get to Malibu and save time & money ~ https://colonyhouseliquor.com/wine-clubs.
If you’re hungry when you visit Colony House Liquors on the weekends, you don’t need to re-park to enjoy a delicious and affordable meal!
Check out Smokin’ Bar-B-Quties food stand in the establishment’s parking lot. Open Fridays through Sundays from 12 - 6-ish, it’s the best BBQ in town! Try the tri-tip sandwiches (Yum!) & the scrumptious vegan BBQ beans ~ a Malibu Chili Cookoff 1st place winner! Make sure to taste the Vegan non-mayo base blueberry vinaigrette coleslaw. For more information, go to: www.smokinbarbquties.com & if you can’t get enough of this wonderful food, buy the beans at Vintage Grocers in West Malibu. @vintagegrocers.
Not lucky enough to catch the BBQ? A wonderful option is Tramonto Bistro - an upscale Italian eatery with a warm Tuscan vibe & an extensive wine list. Located at 22235 Pacific Coast Hwy, the venue is family friendly and
always hopping. https://www.tramontomalibu.com.
Longing to eat on the water? Malibu Farm is the answer as it offers two, on-pier
venues! Salads! Pizza! Pasta! It’s all here: https://www.malibu-farm.com/malibu-pier/restaurant-menu.
For a reservation: Malibufarmcatering@gmail.com.
Longing to get in the water?As you approach Malibu from the South, there are two excellent places to rent kayaks, surf boards & SUP’s on the land side. Zuma Jays, a longstanding Malibu tradition, is a locals’ choice. The easy-going shop offers reasonably
priced surfboard and kayak rentals and also has an impressive reservoir of contacts for surf instructors whose tailor-made lessons suit customers of all ages and ability levels.
Stop in and say “hello” to Zuma Jay ~ once Malibu’s mayor, co-concessionaire of The Malibu Pier and surfing expert. While you’re there, peruse the extensive selection of t-shirts, Malibu license plates, and other tchotchkes.
Malibu Surf Shack is another dependable kayak, canoe, surfboard & stand up paddle rental place. Moreover, the dependable staff there offer guided tours and the company also offers surf camps. The point break is just across the
street! Check them out: @MalibuSurfShack.
Need to Store Your Boards and Freshen up?
Traveler Surf Club & Coastal Outpost is a totally hip - and useful - venue. Founded by Malibuite Julie Cox, the business provides surfers with a place to store their boards and take a hot shower to freshen up. The establishment is
located at 22941 Pacific Coast Hwy. (T: 424-425-8033).
Everyone knows about the iconic Surfrider Beach, first made popular in Gidget’s day. To harken back to where it all started is essential for any visitor who is new to Malibu. To enjoy First and Third Points, park across the Pacific
Coast Highway on the land side, unless you are lucky enough to score a free spot along the highway.
Look for more tips and inside information about Malibu in Katina’s forthcoming blogs and check out the merchandise - and the stunningly gorgeous art that
engendered The Malibu Pier Collection here: ArtifyLifeStyle.com.